Born in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, Karielys (commonly known as Kary) is a graphic designer and creative director living in Miami, Florida. After earning a degree in Psychology from Florida International University, she obtained a degree in Graphic Design from the Miami International Institute of Art & Design. Her work, informed by these disciplines, is driven by the curiosity of how art and design enhances the human experience. This online catalog is a record of that curiosity and aims to inspire the audience to create well.

My hope is that in exploring these archives, you find the answers you need. We all have questions — together we can remove some of the haze and move towards making more beautiful things!

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Current Time in Miami
Tue, September 5

© 2012 — 2024

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We all have questions, together we can remove some of the haze.

90 Minute Class

Idea Ready: How to Be a Quick Thinker / Ideator

Fatigue and creative block
are real challenges for creatives.

I know you’re tired of hitting a wall when you need to be at your most innovative. I feel you. But here's the good news: I've cracked the code on minimizing creative fatigue, and I'm here to share it with you. 

In "Idea Ready," I'll teach you how to keep those creative juices flowing by embracing a lifestyle that primes you to be a quick thinker and idea generator. You'll learn to build a personal library of ideas that you can tap into whenever a project comes your way. 

90 Minute Class

The Creative Process

Are you feeling uncertain about your next steps in a project?

Are you having a challenging time guiding a team through a standardized system?

Do you find it difficult to track the progress of your projects?

Your solution is the Creative Process: the sequence of steps or actions one goes through to generate an idea and turn it into a finished work.

90 Minute Class

The Creative Brief

Have you ever experienced lack of direction, scope creep, or never ending timelines?

I’ve been there so many times, especially at the launch of our design studio. Over the years, I've learned a valuable lesson: setting clear boundaries and communication upfront can make all the difference.

If you're tired of feeling defeated and want to reclaim the joy in your creative projects, I'm here to help. Join my Creative Brief class where I'll guide you through embedding efficiency into your projects, ensuring smoother workflows and fewer moments of defeat.

60 Minute Session

Hazy Chat! 1-to-1 Mentorship

I understand the struggle of having questions and feeling unsure about where to turn for answers. That's why I'm here—to serve as your guide through the haze, helping you unravel the knots that may be holding you back. My aim is straightforward: to inspire, guide, and empower you to reach your full potential.

If you'd like to discuss your work or leadership journey as a designer or creative, feel free to schedule some time with me. Together, we can clear away some of the uncertainty and pave the way for clarity and growth.

Trade Tools™

My best FREE downloads for creative success.
Created and proofed by personal experience.

Made In House

Conversations for Creatives
Tuesdays {Bi-Weekly} / @ 8:00PM ET

Watch on YouTube or Spotify

A Newsletter for
Graphic Designers

Delivered to your inbox every Monday

Talks & Workshops✺

Conversations aimed at inspiring, equipping, and guiding you.

“Made In House TV 🎙️ Creative Podcast”

“Do it Scared”

“Communicating with a Creative Team”

“Creative Hangout Q&A”

“VOUS Basel Divine ‘Design’”

Notable Projects✺

I hope these projects inspire you to confidently pursue your creative vision.

Listen While You Work

Hi! I’m Kary :)

I was born in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico in 1990. When I first began, I had so many questions and it was difficult to get resources and knowledge from the pros. As a result, I began creating an archive of “answers” I'd find that helped me as a student, designer, business owner, creative director, and pretty much any endeavor I've gone through in the last eleven years. We all have doubts — together we can remove some of the haze and move towards making more beautiful things!

Make beautiful things.